GriefShare is a worldwide resource and program which is designed as a support group for grief counseling through the eyes of Christian faith. Their goal is to help people who are hurting because of a major life crisis, and examine it based on what our faith and trust in God calls us to be, and to do. We are proud to offer this ministry here at Faith!

GriefShare’s Vision
To see nonbelievers placing their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sin as a result of hearing the gospel through GriefShare, DivorceCare, Single & Parenting, and DivorceCare for Kids, within the context of a local church.
To see Christ-followers realize they have access to God’s resources and experience complete healing from the pain of bereavement.
Faith’s Grief Belief
Grief is a very natural and present feeling in our society for a multitude of reasons. A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief through our Christian faith.
Time and Location
Thursday Evenings
Wilson Hall
6pm - 8pm